Sunday, October 13, 2013

Love Sundays.

Woke up this morning to a family busily getting ready for today's events.

Sunday is a day we like to spend as a family since we have a hectic schedule during the week.

We all woke up, went and ate at my FAVE restaurant, Old European, and then headed off to Harvest House to pick up some pumpkins.

We got to try their freshly made hot pumpkin donuts....

Oh. My. Gosh.

Best donuts ever. I'm so happy we got a dozen. Ha!

The kids let me get some great pics and we got 3 awesome pumpkins.

Overall I really enjoy our Sundays. It's nice to all be together as a family. I'm so blessed!!!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Be Appreciative

One thing I've truly learned in life is that you need to make sure you appreciate everything you have.

I was complaining about not getting break from my kiddos earlier and it hit me...sometimes, rather than think about all the good I do have, I tend go focus on the negative. 

If we all looked at everything we are blessed with on a regular basis, I think we would all be so much happier. 

Yea sounds cheesy right?

I know I need to work on being thankful for what I have rather than what I don't have.

The grass is always greener on the other side...unless it's not. 


Monday, August 26, 2013

I'm Baaaaacccckkkk

Finally. I have a few minutes to get back at this. My last post was in May of last year. That is a long blog hiatus!

Here's a little recap of what has happened since then:

I had my third baby, Maxwell Danger last August, he just turned one.  My oldest, Jackson, started kindergarten and will be going into the first grade this year.  The biggest change thus far has been our transition out of the army.

Hubby recently got medically discharged from the Army for some combat injuries which led him to not being about to work.  It took about a year for the whole thing to transpire and it has certainly been an adjustment. The journey we have been on so far has been quite the adventure.

We decided to try out some work in Denver, CO to ease the transition.  We loaded up the van with our things and clan and traveled 1400 miles to Littleton. That in itself was crazy! After a little bit things took a turn for the worse and we had to move back to WA.

In about two days notice I figured out our move back and we had to be homeless for about 3 weeks. Luckily we were able to stay with family, which was so nice...but yikes! Kind of humbling to know you can be homeless without any warning!!!

Eventually we found a PERFECT house right in the neighborhood that allows my kiddos to go to the same schools I went to. Our landlords are pretty amazing.  Hubby has LOVED being here to help with the house duties and the kiddos. He plans on getting a degree starting in September!

I have been really into living a natural lifestyle too! Making a lot of household needs like laundry soaps, lotion, medicines.  We love eating organic SO much and it has been really nice to get into making healthier choices for our family. Hubby and I are in tune with our "inner hippy" a lot and that's been so fun.

ANYWAY!  Now that I've rambled on and on, that's where we are in life. I can't wait to share more "crunchy" stuff with my readers and keep track of all the life changes ahead. So far it has been a crazy ride but I am so thankful for the way our lives after the military has turned out.  Every obstacle we have overcome has put us where we are supposed to be today.

Thanks for reading my mini novel!  ;)

Until next time~

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

It's Been a While!

I just have had zero time to blog lately!!

Last time I blogged was after I found out what the baby was!

Right now I'm 28 weeks and 1 day.  Little Max is measuring in the 95th percentile already so I have to go in every so often for growth check ultrasounds!  Hehe :) I got some good news last time I went in the the Dr, they gave me hope that I might be able to try a vba2c, and that made my day!  I am really trying to avoid another c-section so I will do everything I can to have it my way this time!

The boys have been into some new stuff lately too! Logan just turned 3! He's super musical and cracks me up on a daily basis :)

Jackson is into ALL sports! We knew he was a NFL fan for life, but he has recently expanded his likes to NBA and Baseball!!  We also like to play soccer out in the field a few times a week! 

He is certainly keeping me young!

Hubby just went back to work after a little time off to himself. Much needed I must say! It was nice having him home, and the boys LOVED it.  Hubby was WAY too motivated to clean every day and now I believe he took all the motivation out of the house because I feel like doing absolutely nothing today (hence the blog time hehe!!).

Other than that, I am looking forward to the next few months.  It's bittersweet to say I will only be pregnant for another 10 weeks or so, but I cannot WAIT to meet this little guy! I know the boys are just as excited to have a new brother! I will try to get on here every so often, but I won't make any promises ;)

Until next time!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I'm the Only Princess!!

Yes you read that right, I will be the only Princess in my household.  I have two boys, a boy dog, and now a third baby boy on the way!!

I thought I would be a little disappointed that I would never get my girl (we are done after this baby), but in fact I was just SO relieved that he is healthy and there was no way I could be sad when I saw him kicking and sucking his thumb on the utrasound screen :)

I'm already in love!

We have decided to name him Maxwell Danger Cain... Yes go ahead and chuckle, but we love it.  I don't need any negative feedback as I have already heard it all.  This is OUR child and we love the name so do what your mamas taught you and don't say anything if you don't have anything nice to say :)

The boys are super excited to be having another brother.  I get asked on a daily basis if the baby is coming out yet  :) 

So next on the baby agenda is going back for another ultrasound in a few weeks so they can get some spine pics they weren't able to get yet.  I go back to OB in a few days to get a check up on my diabetes to see if insulin is needed yet.

Otherwise I can't complain!  Everything is going according to plan and we can't wait to welcome Max to this world!!  :)

Until next time ~C

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Three Pregnancies!!

Finding the time to blog lately has been impossible! I recently stopped babysitting for a friend thanks to my demanding diabetes schedule!  I miss the little princess, but it has been nice to wrestle with the boys and cuddle them….if they let me :)

I was thinking about how different each one of my pregnancies has been.  With Jackson, I worked full time and pretty much up until 2 weeks before I had him.  That was fun because it made the pregnancy fly by.

I craved Reese's peanut butter cereal and Taco Bell…ALL THE TIME!  I only gained 19lbs! Gosh I miss that… :)  He was born at 42 weeks….yes he was very comfortable in there!! And we share the same birthday!! He weighed 8lbs and was 21 inches :)

Logan was a different story.  I met Hubby a few months after being on my own with J.  So let's just say I was in a happier place ;) Hubby decided the military was what he wanted to do. He joined, we moved, and it was pretty nice!

I didn't have to work right away but found a job at a coffee place. That was fun!!

I then found out I was pregnant with Logan.  I guess that's what happens after 4 months of no birth control…  :)  Logan decided he didn't want me to work and I had to quit due to some bleeding.

I craved Big Macs with Logan. I could seriously eat one every day. (But I didn't) HEHE :) I gained 35lbs with this big fella!  Logan also decided he wanted to make his appearance early!  He was born at 36 weeks, and weighed a whopping 8lbs 3oz, and was 19in long!  Thank goodness I didn't carry him to 40 weeks!

Now with this baby, it has been difficult from the get go.  Maybe because I am a little older? Or it is a girl?

Gestational diabetes diagnosed at 11 weeks, high blood pressure at one appt, and I cannot gain weight! I have been having some Braxton Hicks as well, and that is not fun!!  I am craving everything I cannot have, from every single sweet treat to nachos, and I am CONSTANTLY starving.

Let's just hope I have an easy birth for all this trouble it is causing in the womb. LOL!!

It's crazy to see how each pregnancy has differed!  I am anxious to know how the anatomy scan goes on Friday. I cannot WAIT!!! I will keep you posted!!

Until next time~ C

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Update ;)

Ok. I have been too busy to blog lately!!
So I'm 15 weeks pregnant, and yes it's still taking forever. But good news is I got the ultrasound scheduled for the end of the month and I heard the heartbeat finally yesterday!!
It was in the 150's...that means girl right?! ;) Let's hope!!
So I can't go to an appointment without some sort of challenge coming at me.
I thought I was doing REALLY well with the blood sugar levels. Really, I did.
But turns out the Dr thought otherwise. I'm now on an oral medication until my insulin shots start :(
Discouraging!! I had no control over it (besides sticking to my diet, which I did!) so the Dr told me it wasn't my fault. But it still feels like failure!
And insulin??? That's going to be tons of fun... :(
But I will do whatever I can to keep the baby and myself healthy and if that means daily shots then shots it is!!
I have also been writing down some stuff about my previous pregnancies and will be talking about that on here too because eventually I will have my blog made into a book so my kids can see all about their journey of getting here :)

I think I may need some retail therapy soon though... ;)
Have a good day everyone!!